“Reader reviews so far have one thing in common to say: It’s a hard book to put down.“
Book Press & Reviews
TMJ4 Morning Blend
Author Annmarie Topel returns to TMJ4 Morning Blend to speak with the ladies about her new book release “You Can Call Me RIP” Her third edition to the Bus Stop Series.
The Morning Blend features a variety of community organizations, businesses, and happenings in southeastern.

Milwaukee Radio Group Stations
Jammin’ 98.3
Listen to an interview with Andrea Williams and author, Annmarie Topel, featured on Milwaukee Radio Group stations, including Jammin’ 98.3, air date Sunday, March 13th.

Milwaukee Magazine
This Local Author’s New Novel Explores Homelessness in Milwaukee

“Very quick and enjoyable read. The characters are colorful and well developed, as is the background against which the story is set. I found myself quickly invested in a number of them, but especially Edward, whose story Annmarie does an incredible job of creating. It’s a wonderful book, and one which will cause the reader to sit and reflect for a bit once they reach that final page. I highly recommend it!”
Tom H.

“We brought it with us to read on vacation and couldn’t put it down! Great book…needs to be made into a movie! Our hat is off to the author….she really hits home with this one! Sure hope there will be a sequel to it! Highly recommend!”
Debbie W.

“This was an extremely hard book to put down because the way multiple experiences weaved together. The gripping experiences of Annmarie’s childhood has provided her intense love for giving and helping. The contents of this book display these gifted traits!”
Dave K.
Connect with the Author
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