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Annmarie's Blog

Meet The… Live-In Girls

The bumpy path I’ve been traveling down, writing my fourth novel, has been a long one. Indecision has clung to me like a leech. Fortunately,

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Window with curtain closed

Meet The Squatter (conclusion)

The No-End Ending             Some stories have happy and satisfying endings. Others do not, leaving us breathless and with our hearts on the floor. Then

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Meet Boy George

Early in life, I discovered that people and characters are two different beings. It’s not that people don’t have character or unique characteristics that separate

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Matilda (conclusion)

What I was hearing was something I didn’t recognize. It was like wet chicken hitting a cutting board, a flop, and a slop. And after

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Matilda's Vase

Meet Matilda

With a background in advertising, I cringe when I hear predictable, cliché, uncreative copywriting in ads. The holidays are a big culprit as are the

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My Fave’s

With the holiday season upon us, I thought it might be fun to share some of my favorite things. Unlike Oprah, you and you and

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Connect with the Author

Looking to discuss the novels, schedule a book signing or event or have a question?